Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cupcake Wine

This week on Cupcakes Take the Cake, I saw a post about Cupcake Vineyards wine. Seriously, what could be better?? This just combines two of my favorite things. On a whim, I decided to stop in a liquor store while out buying cupcake groceries Saturday and managed to find it. They make Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay. I went for the Sauvignon Blanc.

That night, a friend came over, and I opened up one of the bottles to try it out. Let's be honest; even if the wine wasn't any good (3 buck Chuck?), it probably would have been constantly stocked in my wine rack regardless. Fortunately, it was a really good bottle of wine for the price ($11). Now I can justifiably keep spending money on this. Sunday in the midst of my near cupcake breakdown, I was about to open up that second bottle of wine (at 7:00 am), but pulled through and that bottle is now on my kitchen counter. You know, just in case of the next baking emergency.

Also, it might be worth mentioning that this wine is not made from cupcakes. At least two people (who will remain anonymous...) have asked me if it was.


Anonymous said...

Is this made from cupcake grapes?

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